Google Drive Folder

Instagram: @qls_inventeam

Email: [email protected]

Official Website:

How to use this page

Task Board

Action Items:

📂Tasks (Click here)


Electrical & Software

Document Links:

**Products Requirements Specification** - overview of project goals & constraints

Timeline of Goals

Meeting Notes

**Team Roles | Accounts Info and Resources | Material Inventory**

Whenever you create a new document, please add it to the corresponding folder

⚙️ Mechanical Folder - everything mechanical related

Electronics & Software Folder - everything electrics & software related

📎 Patent Folder - folder for everything patent-related

🗨️ Social Media Folder - folder for website and Instagram related

✉️ Outreach Folder - folder for outreach and community partner related

📷 Photos & Vids Folder - upload any photos and videos here

📝 Inventory Folder - keep track of materials and orders

InvenTeam Google Drive Folder


<aside> 📢 If you missed a meeting, it’s up to you to catch up on what you missed. Read the email recap, check out the meeting notes document, or ask a teammate for an update.




Upcoming Meetings



Resources & Learning

Website (OLD)

(ARCHIVED) Workspace

✨Mood Board✨

(feel free to contribute~)